The NETP is a partnership of engineering companies working with The University of Northampton. The partnership exists to create a pool of industry ready engineers of the highest calibre.
Formed in 1989, companies have provided over 500 paid placements. The employment rate amongst graduates who have taken part in the scheme is in excess of 90%.
Mission: To create a pool of industry ready engineers of the highest calibre and position the NETP as a unique example of good practice and collaboration between Academia and Industry adding value to all stakeholders.
Vision: Aspire to increase membership and diversity by providing a platform for full student placements, formal and informal networking, sharing of good practice and inspiring students and Partners alike.
Benefits to students
NETP companies provide a range of industrial opportunities, including, paid industry placements and internships for engineering students studying at The University of Northampton.
Benefits include:
NETP events:
Benefits to business
The NETP is an integral part of the academic programmes at the University, is fully supported and provides a platform for student placements along with opportunities for formal and informal networking.
The unique way in which students are selected, placed and monitored means it is a reliable way of recruiting future talent to support the engineering sector.
The engineering programmes have been designed in conjunction with industry and professional bodies to meet the needs of the engineering sector. The majority of the courses are accredited by the IMechE. See links below:
Typical areas for placements include:
By working with a new generation of engineers the partner employers benefit from the fresh ideas and new perspectives that they naturally bring and in many cases, gain assistance with projects.