I knew from the very first beginning of the second year that I would do whatever it takes to get valuable experience and put my knowledge acquired during my studies in practice. I applied through the NETP programme and was lucky enough to get selected for an interview by Bearward Engineering, a Wabtec company that produces heat exchangers and radiators in Northampton.
Engineering is a very broad subject and a never-end learning field. Since my internship started, I have realized how important is to get to know the engineering realm. Being part of a very supportive, creative team helped me to integrate and already feel at home. A project was assigned to me from the very first day and provided me with the opportunity to develop project management skills. The project is organised into a logical framework, divided by specific stages that will ensure a continuous improvement. These stages usually end with a sign off meeting where the work done is reviewed and the project is approved. During the first stage of the project, I conducted a feasibility study and assessed benefits against another project. The next stages will allow me to get mechanical performance data which is a vital part of the project. However, I always get the chance to become involved in other small projects to expand my technical skills. Applying strain gauges, soldering, learning how to use a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) such as Faro Arm, a data acquisition system, performing image analysis using a microscope and many others are technical skills achieved during my internship that certainly will help me to make the next step to my future career as an engineer.
Taking everything into consideration, an internship at Bearward Engineering certainly gives the opportunity to conduct in-depth work on a substantial project and to show your individual creativity and potential.